.69 Caliber Ammo Box at the Civil war Naval Museum in Columbus Georgia
Charlie McCulloh & Glenn Milner

Here is a dimensioned drawing and some construction notes for the .69 Cal. Box . The top to the original is missing. The museum has replicated the box and uses a standard constructed ammo box top in it’s reproduction. Hopefully this drawing by Glenn Milner, these photos and construction notes will allow interested parties to reproduce this box.

Interesting features of this box are the tongue & groove pieced bottom that the sides are attached on, and the non-dove tailed side construction.

Construction notes:

  1. The wood appears to be Ύ” planking.
  2. The nails appear to be 3” square cut nails.
  3. There is filler over the screws that hold the handles in place. There are two screws per handle.
  4. End lettering is in white and 5/8” high.
  5. Lettering on one side only is in black and 5/8” high.
  6. End lettering:

                                  1000    (above handle)

                         BUCK & BALL

                          CARTRIDGES    (below Handle)

                                       CAL. 69

  1. Side lettering:


                                 CS LABRATORIES

                                    COLUMBUS GA




     8.   Color of the box appears to be Pantone 19-0608 TP
          Black Olive, Olive Noire

This is just one of the many fine items in the collection of the Civil War Naval Museum. Again, I strongly urge you to visit this beautiful new facility if you have not done so.

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