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The Yellowhammer Rifles is a group of living historians dedicated to continually
enhancing the authenticity level
of its portrayal of the common soldier of the War Between
the States. The Yellowhammer Rifles was formed in the Summer of 2001. Membership is open to Deep South, authentically-minded living
historians who seek a means of attending "immersion" events in an
infantry company made up of comrades know to them, rather than ending up a
stranger in a cobbled-together company. Participation at a given event
will be subject to the review and approval of an individual's impression by the
Authenticity Committee. Current members
hail primarily from the
far corners of Alabama, with a
few members from surrounding states.
Our standard impressions are the common soldier of the
Western Theater, both
The membership is organized in messes, containing 4-8
members, allowing the rifles to function like an actual infantry company from
1861-65. Messes and individuals may apply for membership to the Yellowhammer
Rifles, but they must be inspected and approved by the Authenticity Committee,
which will guide them in the direction of a better, more realistic
impression. It is not our goal to alienate any living historians with a desire
to improve, and membership may be granted on a trial basis to those
who need improvement. The mess placed on trial membership will be granted
a specified period to make required improvements. The time period specified will
be based solely on the degree of improvement needed, as laid out by the
Authenticity Committee. Participation in events attended by the membership of
the Yellowhammer Rifles as a whole will be limited to those messes who have been inspected and
approved by the Authenticity Committee.
The Yellowhammer Rifles seek to
achieve a high degree of proficiency in drill, confident that it is vital to an
accurate portrayal of the Civil War soldier not only to "look good,"
but to function well as individual soldiers and corporately in company and
battalion level drill.
We of the Yellowhammer Rifles believe that improving the
impression we present to the spectators, those who have come to the event with a
desire to become better educated, is one of the most important aspects of living
history, therefore we will continue to strive toward presenting the most
authentic impression possible, updating ourselves as new material becomes
available, and as documentation dictates.